Portugal in Polar Science: Breaking the Ice

Coimbra, April 19th 2023

   The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) will organize on April 19th, between 14h and 18h, in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Coimbra (DCV-UC) the event “Portugal in Polar Science: Breaking the Ice”.

   This event has as its main objective to show some research projects that Portuguese researchers and early career researchers are developing in the polar regions. Furthermore, it will also have a moment of sharing and debate to discuss the biggest challenges faced by early career scientists (students and researchers up to 5 years after completing the PhD) as soon as they decide to engage a career in scientific research.

   This event precedes the meeting of APECS Executive Committee happening on April 20th and 21st at DCV-UC, and it is supported by APECS Portugal, DCV, NEB/AAC and the Portuguese Polar Program.
