
APECS Portugal Partners & Institutions Linked to Polar Research (PT).


Association of Polar Early Career Scientist (International) – APECS

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is an international and interdisciplinary organization for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early career faculty members, early career professionals, educators, and others with interests in Polar and Alpine regions and the wider cryosphere. APECS Portugal is the Portuguese National Committee of APECS International.

Programa Polar Português – PROPOLAR

The Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR) allows portuguese researchers access to the Arctic and Antarctica, in order to develop from a holistic perspective how the planet works and reacts to changes, in order to support portuguese society to properly manage environmental changes. It also aims to encourage the new generation of Portuguese polar scientists, stimulating career progression and internationalization, supporting the activities carried out by APECS Portugal.

Gabinete Polar | Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – FCT

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) supports the scientific community in Portugal through different funding instruments, aimed to scientists, research teams and R&D centres. In polar science, FCT created the Polar Office that manages support for polar research in Portugal.

Educação Propolar | Programa Polar Português – PROPOLAR

Propolar Education is PROPOLAR's educational project that aims to bring together researchers, young scientists, and teachers with the aim of promoting, raising awareness and educating young generations on relevant topics on the planet. The project supports several educational initiatives, the most important being the Portuguese Polar Weeks, an activity carried out by APECS Portugal under the seal of this project.

Polar Educators International - PEI

Polar Educators International is an essential network of educators and researchers aiming to provide a deeper understanding of current polar sciences to a global audience. PEI represents all who work to inspire appreciation and build knowledge of the polar regions, their connectedness to all Earth’s systems, and their importance to all humans across latitudes and cultures. PEI supports APECS Portugal through several educational activities, the most important being the Portuguese Polar Weeks.

Polar Educators Portugal – PEI Portugal

Polar Educators of Portugal (PEI Portugal) is a network of Portuguese educators and researchers who share the same mission, vision, and goals as Polar Educators International. It supports APECS Portugal in its educational activities.